Facts About Boys
The following statistics are sobering and efforts must be made to reverse the environment that leads to tendencies giving such results:
Boys are four times more likely to commit suicide than girls.
Boys are four times more likely to be classified ADD or ADHD than girls.
Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with a learning disability than girls.
Boys are four times more likely to dropout from High School than girls.
Boys are more likely to be kept back in school than girls.
Boys have more incidents of depression than girls.
More girls go to college than boys.
More girls get their Masters Degrees than boys.
Two thirds of all alcoholics are men.
Men constitute 90% of all arrests for drugs and alcohol.
Men are 80% of the homeless.
Needs of Boys
The following are major needs of boys that are met by programs such as Royal Rangers. Meeting these needs will result in appropriate development of the total boy.
Sense of Belonging
Sense of Importance
Opportunity for Advancement
Christian Living
* 'War Against Boys', Christina Hoff Sommers, Sept 1996.