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Ranger Heritage Resource

The primary resource supporting the Ranger Heritage Foundations' mission is the Range which is an 80 acre camping area in Central New Mexico dedicated to the Royal Rangers. Facilities at the Range include an administrative office/headquarters, assembly area, amphitheater, pavilion, event shelters, FCF village, toilet facilities, storage building, camping areas, shooting area, wood yard, two miles of constructed roads and numerous areas for various activities.

Range Features

1. Administrative Office/Headquarters - The administrative office/headquarters is a double-wide modular home containing a day room, two bathrooms, three bedrooms It is located near the entrance to the Range.

2. Assembly Area - The assembly area is centrally located south of the main road. It has three flags for the U.S., the Christian and the Royal Ranger flag. It can  accommodate more than 500 persons. A portable sound system is available.

3. Amphitheater - The amphitheater is centrally located north of the main road. It consists of a stage and seven terraces available for seating. It can accommodate more than 500 persons. The stage has an area of 2500 square feet and is vehicle accessible. There is a sound booth, also vehicle accessible and the area is hard wired for sound. There is general lighting as well as stage lighting. The amphitheater also is screen / projector capable.

4. Pavilion - The pavilion is 40'x60' covered shelter with open sides and a concrete floor. The pavilion can be used for services, meetings, dining, training, recreation and other activities.

5. Toilet Facilities - There are three toilet facilities, each facility consisting of two rooms and a privacy wall, each room has a stool and an urinal.

6. Storage Building - A 40'x50' storage building is located near the administrative office/headquarters modular home.

7. Camping Areas - Camping areas are available in all parts of the Range. Camping is available on the main road, the camping loop road, the primitive camping loop road, the FCF village and the range road.

8. Shooting Area - The shooting area is a bermed range of up 75 yards deep by 35 yards wide. It is consistent with an informal shooting area as defined by the NRA. Black powder, 0.22, shotgun and air rifles are authorized firearms. Downrange is south facing to minimize the effects of the sun. The shooting range features an 80' covered shooting canopy.

9. Blacksmith Shop - A fully functional coal forge with all the necessary blacksmithing tools and accessories.

10. Wood Yard - The wood yard contains a large amount of wood from clearing for roads, other areas and thinning. The wood is available to campers for their campfires.

11. Other Areas. Areas are available for other activities such as hawk and knife throwing, archery, trail walks, specialized shooting, sports activities such as baseball, and other skill events.

Copyright 2024 - Ranger Heritage Foundation

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